Abstract submission deadline: 15 March 2025

All abstracts must be submitted via the online platform. Abstracts sent by e-mail will not be accepted.

  • Format can be .doc, .docx, .odt, .pdf
  • The total length of the abstract should be 2 pages maximum – a mix of text and figures
  • 500 characters long maximum
  • The text should be Times New Roman 11 pt.
  • The author list should be Times New Roman 12 pt
  • The presenting author should be underlined.


  1. Create an account
  2.  Submit your abstract


  • You can use the template which contains all the relevant form details: download template
  • You will be invited to specify your preferred communication format: Oral / Poster / No preference. The scientific committee reserves the right to assign a communication format that is compatible with the construction of the program.
  • When you submit your abstract, a space for submitting other documents appears. It cannot be removed, but disregard it – only the abstract needs to be uploaded.


Mid-infrared and THz Sources, Detectors and Components
  • Quantum cascade lasers, interband cascade lasers, diode lasers, nonlinear generation, frequency combs in the mid-infrared and THz spectral regions
  • Quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs), quantum-dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs), quantum cascade detectors, type-II superlattice detectors, phase sensitive detection, single photon devices, novel detectors in the mid-infrared and THz spectral regions
  • Heterodyne detection, novel detection schemes (plasmonic, 2D materials, antenna-coupled, nano-detectors)
  • Mid-IR and THz components: ultra-fast amplitude and phase modulators, Mach-Zender modulators, high-Q resonators for Kerr dissipative combs, low loss semiconductor waveguides
  • RF technologies for mid-IR and THz
Physics of intersubband related low-dimensional systems
  • Physics of intersubband transitions and scattering mechanisms, and related linear and nonlinear optical properties
  • Numerical modeling of intersubband physics and devices
  • Novel principles for devices: metamaterials, parity-time symmetric laser systems, topological photonics
  • Intersubband polaritons, ultrastrong light-matter coupling in intersubband systems, polariton lasers and condensates, intersubband plasmons
  • Landau quantization, high B-field physics, superradiant emission
Mid-infrared and THz Materials
  • III-V semiconductor heterostructure quantum wells including III-Nitrides and III-Sb
  • Two-dimensional materials (graphene, MoS2, Black Phosphorus, etc.), bandgap engineering using Van der Waals heterostructures
  • Wide bandgap, II-VI, Si/Ge for mid-IR photonics
  • Zero-D and 1-D low dimensional structures (quantum dots, boxes, nanowires)
  • Spintronic THz emitters and devices
  • Organic systems
  • Mid-IR fibers and fiber lasers
Mid-infrared and THz Applications
  • Spectroscopy (sensing, heterodyne receivers, self-mixing)
  • Time domain spectroscopy and sub-cycle dynamics
  • Imaging (detector arrays, infrared and THz imaging, QCL-based active imaging)
  • Near-field spectroscopy and imaging
  • High power QCLs
  • Communications (free-space laser communication, THz communications)
  • Frequency metrology (QCL frequency combs, laser stabilization, ultrafast laser characterization)